Benchmark performance across the group
Understand how each individual site is performs vs the rest, as a group or individually. Compare product sales up to topline analytics. Is site one selling more coffee? We can tell you.
Sales data and forecasting in one place
Regardless of how many different EPOS you have, we can hold the data and report against it.
We like automation
No more logging into various EPOS and downloading different types of report. Consolidate.
Find your top sellers
Analyse your site(s) performance across all sales areas and compare them against each other. Understand why top performing sites do so well, and compare against other sites that you want to improve.
The standard...
Like for like, new locations, budgets, forecasts, trends, hours, labour, you name it and the list keeps growing!
Group level reporting

Consolidate your reporting with some of the best in the business
We are backed by some of the best hospitality accountants in the UK and pride ourselves in being to adapt and grow with our clients. Our reporting is designed to work for small and large enterprise organisations.
Restaurant reporting
for those who need it
Simple and useful reporting
Keep your restaurant on the right track
Keep management informed
Site performance analysis
Profit estimation
Forecasting and budgeting
No more spreadsheets!

Reports that your GMs and senior management can understand
We have multiple permission levels to only show those users the right reports...
We have a plethora of reports for both single and multi site hospitality businesses. If we don't have it, ask for it!