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Three Things Your Hospitality Business Should Be Leaving In 2022

Hospitality Ideas Hospitality Ideas Invoice Management Invoice Management

The past year seems to have sped past in a blur, and with hospitality still striving to recover from a challenging few years, there is no better time than now to refocus on practices that will aid in your growth, success and profits in the year ahead.

Hospitality businesses are embracing the world of tech now more than ever, and those embracing new ways of working are seeing success follow. The 2022 State of Restaurant Tech Report found that 71% of restaurants plan to increase spending on technology in 2023 - are you among this number?

This article will outline three things your hospitality business should be leaving in 2022, in order to save time and money in the year to come.

Clunky Rotas

An efficient, well costed and clearly communicated rota is the backbone of the day to day running of your business. On the flip side of this, poorly made rotas are one of the main causes of staff unhappiness in the industry. With high staff turnover being such a prominent issue in the hospitality industry, this alone is a reason worth taking action for.

The fact is that clunky, manual rotas are swiftly becoming outdated. Using great restaurant rota software is now key to saving time and boosting profits!

Buy WHY does investing in software give you such an advantage? See our blog post on how to get the most out of restaurant management software here.

Manual Financial Reporting

Excel is useful software and it has its place - but if your business relies on Excel spreadsheets for your financial reporting then you are likely not doing your business justice.

Manual financial reports pose numerous issues. Staff accidentally messing with formulas, human error with inputs, time wasted on end of day reports and emails, clunky comparisons between numerous sheets of historical data... These are just a few of the reasons why manual financial reports should be left behind this year.

By using a platform like Opsyte, your sales and labour data are automatically compiled into comprehensive reports to give you the data you require with just a few clicks and NO manual input. Opsyte also automates your end of day reporting, allowing you to simply send important daily reports via email to your chosen mailing list.

I once again recommend that you check out our blog on getting the most out of restaurant management software! Click here to read.

Inefficient Invoice Approvals

The days of paper invoices and manual approval processes are firmly behind us. Hospitality businesses need streamlined invoice processing tools that allow them to speed up invoice reconciliations and delegate the workload, while protecting confidential information and allowing clear communication between the team and accountants.

Alongside our other functionality, Opsyte also has an invoice processing platform! Treat your teams to one less log in and learn more about how to streamline your invoice management by reading our article here.

Enjoy Maximised Profit and Growth in 2023.

There are many steps you can take to elevate your business this year, but the three listed above are a fantastic place to start. We would love to help your business streamline processes this year, so get in touch with our team to learn how we can help YOU today.






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