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Managing your Restaurants Deposits at Christmas

Business report for a restaurant Report for restaurant Restaurant business report Restaurant analysis report

Managing your restaurant’s deposits at Christmas


I have some clients that effectively start their Christmas preparation in January.


Yes – they simply cannot wait to go through another 4-6 weeks of utter lunacy all over again that they start planning just weeks after the big party has ended.


Or, if you look at it another way – they are incredibly organised.


Christmas bookings are at times a corporate nightmare – getting the budget, venue, theme, people etc etc all together to end the year on a high.


I have also seen Christmas deposits being paid – albeit in small parts – in January. And any operator who thinks they can get away without tracking these deposits carefully and diligently has a huge potential waterfall coming their way in the form of mass panic at Christmas.


I have been involved in F&B businesses at Christmas where deposits have not been managed properly and both staff and customers are left in huge amounts of disarray;

When was the deposit taken?

Who took it?

How much was it for?



All of this mess can be sorted with a slick deposit system that integrates with your till system and can be used by both your team taking deposits and managing client bookings as well as the operators on the night who are in charge of redeeming and charging the clients.


There are some great booking systems out there for use in restaurants, and some of them have great ways to track deposits. A lot of them however either do not link to your till systems or are difficult to use on the night of the big party.


We have tried to build Opsyte in a way to make this process as easy as possible – please give us a shout if you want to have a look!






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