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Royal Events, Royal Expectations: Meeting the Demands of Coronation Celebrations

Hospitality News Hospitality News

The Coronation is just around the corner. A truly special occasion that will bring the people of the United Kingdom together in celebration of the official appointment of our new Monarch, King Charles III.

This is the first coronation that we have had for 70 years in the United Kingdom, meaning it will be the first coronation that many in this country will have seen. With such a large event taking place nationwide comes an opportunity to enjoy the increased footfall in hospitality venues.

Where will the Coronation take place?

The King and Queen Consort will take a short route of 1.3 miles to Westminster Abbey. The procession will begin at Buckingham Palace, where it will make its way down The Mall via Admiralty Arch and along the south side of Trafalgar Square.

They will then continue down towards Whitehall and along Parliament Street before travelling via the east and south sides of Parliament Square to Broad Sanctuary and arriving at the Abbey. The weekend will feature two epic processions, a religious service, and a star-studded concert at Windsor Castle.

What measures can I take to maximise this opportunity?

Appropriate staffing

The coronation will bring with it an increase in footfall. In order to maximise the opportunity it would be wise to prepare for the increase in business you should have coming through your doors. With the Special one off bank Holiday, this event will be held over 3 Days with Saturday the 6th of May being the main occasion. Sensible staffing numbers are key to ensure you have the ability to cope with an increased capacity. Make sure your stronger staff members are working for the big day, and that the spread of staff is considered taking into account the change in the licensing hours for the bank holiday weekend.

What are the changes to the licensing hours and how will this effect me?

Parliament have released an order on 6 March 2023 extending licensing hours for pubs, clubs and bars in England and Wales from 11pm until 1am on Friday 5 May, Saturday 6 May and Sunday 7 May 2023. This means you will have an extra 2 hours per day to seize this fantastic opportunity for a bumper weekend.

Preparing for the event.

An event of this size and magnitude, and the business that comes with it requires special preparation. Stock up on flags, banners and bunting. This is a good chance to make your venue stand out from the crowd.

Here's some things to consider when preparing for the weekend ahead;

  • Staffing and rotation
  • Stock control
  • Marketing. No good will come from preparing for a big event, and not actually telling anyone about it. Without appropriate marketing, you may be heading towards a royal disaster.
  • Floor plan. Ensuring a good flow of people around your venue is key to handling an increased capacity. It will also help mitigate any health and safety risks associated with increased footfall.

Most importantly. Enjoy the day!

Don't forget to enjoy the occasion. Just because you and your teams will be working on the big day, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Coronations only come round once or twice in a lifetime, so make sure you and your teams soak in the atmosphere of the day.






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