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New Year, New Horizons: How Your Hospitality Business Can Make The Most Of January

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Although the trees are bare and the weather is bleak, your hospitality business has the potential to flourish this January despite the winter blues.

With the new year comes resolutions and the opportunity to better ourselves overall, so, why not do the same for your business? Keep reading this blog post to find out our tips and tricks for optimizing your business during the beginning of the year.  

Health and trends  

The new year comes with many promising to become a healthier, more active version of themselves as their chosen resolution.

According to a survey by Forbes, ‘33% [of people] are dedicated to improving their dietary habits’ when the new year comes around (, a figure which suggests that businesses should include some healthier options.

As previously discussed in our blog post, ‘Hospitality Industry Insights for 2024’, consumers are more likely to spend money on healthier food and drink options, a study by Bid-food shows that 57% of consumers ‘expressed a preference toward food and drink brands that encouraged healthy lifestyle choices compared with those that did not.’ (

For some, the move towards a healthier lifestyle is not only dictated by what foods they eat, but also by taking part in the annual trend of Dry January.

The month-long challenge encourages people to abstain from alcohol for 31 days, which, to bars and pubs may seem daunting, however, businesses can make a few changes to cater to those partaking in Dry January whilst ensuring boosted sales.

Usually, establishments carry one or two no to low-alcohol percentage beverages, so why not use this time to showcase a few more? Opting in to more of these types of drinks is proving to not only benefit businesses during Dry January, as Starling Bank reports that the ‘UK’s no or low-alcohol market is expected to grow by 7% year on year between 2022 and 2026.’ ( By offering more no or low alcohol drinks, businesses can entice those on their journey towards sobriety, whether that be during January or year-round. 

Staff training  

As January tends to be a quieter month for hospitality, employers can use this time to make sure that their staff are fully trained and receiving the appropriate amount of support. For periods with fewer customers, you can set up training sessions to ensure that everyone has the correct knowledge and skills for their role.  

As well as training your staff, listening to them is as equally important. With the post-holiday season slowdown, employees often have a unique perspective gained from firsthand experiences during the bustling months.

Frontline staff, including servers, chefs, and customer service representatives, interact closely with patrons and can offer valuable feedback on customer preferences, emerging trends, and potential improvements. Their observations can illuminate operational inefficiencies or highlight areas for innovation, setting the stage for strategic adjustments. By fostering an open dialogue and actively incorporating staff advice, businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge, boost employee morale, and lay the groundwork for a successful and adaptive year ahead. 

You can read more about the importance of considering your staff’s thoughts and opinions in this blog post.  

Software upgrade

With the quiet period in full swing, now is the best time to reconsider the software you're using to manage your business. Hospitality businesses can leverage this time to evaluate whether their current software aligns with evolving industry trends and meets the dynamic needs of their operations. With the potential influx of new technologies and updates in the software landscape, January provides a strategic window for businesses to explore innovative solutions that can improve reservation management, enhance customer engagement, and facilitate seamless communication.

Systems like Opsyte are always evolving to keep up with the dynamic world of hospitality, for example our newest venture, Insytes, uses AI technology to produce a range of comprehensive reports that you can use to evaluate your business against industry standards. You can find out more about what Opsyte has to offer by following this link.


Remember, January is not a desolate period for the hospitality sector, but rather an opportunity to cater to different types of consumers and to better your business. Whilst trying to navigate this period of uncertainty, using the right hospitality management software can significantly help you keep track of sales and industry trends.






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